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Honoring Steve Porter

Today marks 17 years since we said goodbye to our beloved brother/dad, Steve Porter. While Mike's recent passing still feels raw, today we honor Steve, the visionary behind our CSA. It all started 26 years ago when Steve was approached by another farmer about a novel marketing approach - farmers working directly with consumers who share in the risk and bounty of the harvest. Together with a group of dedicated members, Steve, Mike, and Jack launched one of the first CSAs in WNY. Twenty-six years later, here we are, without the leadership of these 3 great men. As anyone knows, it's challenging to continue a family business while grieving, but carry on we will. Many thanks to all our members for cheering us on! Fun fact: Steve was not a fan of veggies - lettuce and carrots were his staples. Not what you'd expect from an organic veggie farmer, right? However, one of his daughters is a vegetarian. Go figure. Our season starts this Saturday, June 26 - and in the bag there will be LETTUCE. Love and miss you Steve.

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